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The Training4Life program is designed to help students with social-emotional learning and life transition through life skills, leadership development, and athletics. Foundational principles of athletics help students develop character and leadership while helping them develop their own self-identity, citizenship, and purpose (understanding their “why”).

Training4Life is an innovative program that seeks to bridge the gap between traditional education and life skills training. The program helps create a culture of wealth by focusing on six forms of capital: aspirational, linguistic, familial, social, navigational, and resistant. By providing students with the opportunity to develop their leadership, character, and citizenship skills beyond what is traditionally taught in schools and helping them understand what it takes to build a successful future, Training4Life can foster the development of such capital. Through formal and informal assessments, mentors have the ability to track each student’s progress over time and encourage them to strive for greater heights as they apply these concepts to their own lives. Ultimately, this could help create a new generation of informed citizens who are better equipped when entering the workforce or pursuing higher education.

Helping Youth Excel in Leadership & Life!

Lessons from Oval Office - Former Track Athletes Now Training4Life Coaches

Social-Emotional learning

“Empowering Youth Through Social-Emotional Learning Programs”

Social-emotional learning (SEL) is a process of learning to understand and manage emotions, build relationships, set goals, and make responsible decisions. It promotes healthy behavior that leads to academic success in school, career success in the workplace, and successful social interactions throughout life. Through the Training4Life program, students can gain essential SEL skills that will benefit their future. Similarly, athletics plays an important role in the character development of youth. Not only do they get to enjoy physical activity in a fun way, but they also learn valuable lessons such as teamwork, resilience, time management, respect for others, problem-solving skills, communication skills, self-confidence, and discipline. Through the Training4Life program, students can gain these essential skills that will be beneficial for their future.

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